How KB’s Legacy began

It started with a friendship when it was needed the most.

KG: “My journey with KB began 12 years ago when our paths crossed through defensive tactics training. Over time, our friendship blossomed from that of colleagues to one where KB became my mentor, guiding me towards becoming the person I aspired to be. He taught me invaluable life lessons, such as being proud yet humble, cherishing every moment and memory, displaying kindness and selflessness, and always lending a helping hand to friends in need.”

“KB was a bloke built like a brick shit-house, strong and able to take on any challenge. His generosity truly shone during my recovery from a work injury. He was one of the few who regularly checked in on me, sending me books about perseverance and motivating me to never give up. Our shared passion for boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and defensive tactics training only deepened our bond.”

Commonly told memories of KB

KB touched many lives in many ways. He encouraged people to embrace themselves. Each morning, KB would greet everyone in the office with a warm, "Have I told you guys today?" Which translated to, "Have I told you guys that I love ya's?" His heartfelt concern for his colleagues was evident each morning when he offered his cup of tea, along with his peanut butter toast, or even went out of his way to prepare these simple comforts for others, ensuring everyone felt welcome and cared for.

His generosity didn't stop there. If you ever complimented his hat or t-shirt, he would give it to you on the spot, insisting, "Here mate, it's yours." True story.

Brendon ‘KB’ Warburton with his mates.